Photographing in the rain

October 22, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Life as a sports photographer can seem quite glamorous but there are times when it can seem far from that. Sitting pitch side at Huddersfield v Manchester United, I was aware a couple of days previous that Storm Brian as going to hit at some point with a lot of rain and very high winds. Luckily the wet stuff didn't come until the second half when it started to drizzle and then chuck it down. 

These are the times when you need some rain protection for your camera and lens plus a housing for your computer so that you can continue to send images down the wires even though its teeming it down. There are those professional photographers who just don't care and offer no protection for their camera equipment, the rain just tips it down on their camera and lens, and honestly, they are probably right the top end gear really is weatherproof. However, I haven't got to that stage of confidence and always feel the need to wrap a protective cover around my gear.

Whilst I use an iCap cover for my laptop to protect it from the elements, it is always difficult to work the touchpad of the laptop with damp or wet fingers, it just doesn't want to co-operate and thus I need to bring some small dry towels to try to get some contact sensitive response. It is still a bit difficult even after doing this.

But, hey, even though I have my golfing waterproofs on, once you are soaked then thats it, it can't get any worse, the rain can do you no more harm, so when that point arrives in a strange sense I feel a bit liberated and look for photographic opportunities that only present themselves in driving rain.

Luckily the rain reserved its worst until the game was over and then it really did hammer down, truly torrential stuff. So, I felt rather lucky.

The photo for this blog shows Lacazette of Arsenal in the pouring rain at slow shutter speed to emphasise the effect.


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